We develop creative solutions to challenging business problems using scientific insights about how people actually think and behave, rather than what they say.
Traditionally, companies have built products and services based on the assumption that their customers are fully rational and always act in a way that maximises their best interest. But insights from Cognitive Psychology, Behavioural Economics, and Neuroscience have revealed that this isn’t always the case and there is often a difference between what we say and how we act.
This is because all of the decisions that we make on a daily basis are made through two systems of thinking: System 1 is the emotional, automatic part of the brain, System 2 is reflective and effortful.
Behavioural Science highlights the need for an academically robust understanding of why customers behave the way they do, rather than simply designing products and services based on how we think they act.
Using this approach and deep understanding of how humans think, we are able to test solutions and their effectiveness across different business contexts.
It is for this reason that not all research techniques can be considered equal. The issue facing market research is that conventional methods assume that customers make decisions about products using their System 2 brain and direct their communications to this area. This is the reason that the attitudes expressed during focus groups do not always match the resulting behaviour.
Customers cannot articulate the drivers underlying their behaviour because they are unable to tap into their subconscious processing. In fact, is it often a change in behaviour that will lead to a change in attitude, not the other way around.
To gain a more holistic view from customer research, we need to talk to System 1.
From over 150 mental shortcuts and biases within the behavioural economics literature, we've identified what we call the C-Factors.
Alongside our own experience, these are the factors that researchers and regulators have identified as the most important in customer decision making, especially within financial services.
We use these mental shortcuts to help us identify the mental barriers that exist in a customer or employee experience and to develop fluent behavioural interventions, which overcome this friction.
Fear of the unknown
People have a preference for risks that are associated with known probabilities than uncertainties where probabilities are unknown
People prefer partaking in activities where the probabilities are known - such as gambling - over activities where the decisions rely on uncertainties, such as choosing an appropriate life insurance policy
Ellseberg, D. (1961). Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 75 (4) 643–669
Easily hooked
People become attached to the first piece of information they are presented with, and they use it to judge all subsequent information
When asked to bid on items in an auction, participants were first asked to write down the last 2 digits of their social security number. Being anchored by this number influenced their value judgement when asked to bid on a bottle of wine - those with higher social security numbers said they would pay up to 346% more than those with lower numbers.
Ariely, Dan, George Loewenstein, and Drazen Prelec. 2003. “‘Coherent Arbitrariness’: Stable Demand Curves without Stable Preferences.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 118 (1): 73–106
Follow the leader
We tend to trust people in authoritative positions such as doctors or celebrities, therefore we place more importance on their opinions and contributions
A famous experiment showed that 65% of people administered painful electric shocks to participants when instructed to do so by a doctor, which shows the influence authority has on behaviour, even when inconsistent with our values
Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67 (4), 371.
Benartzi, S. & R. Thaler (2007). Heuristics and biases in retirement savings behavior. Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 21, 81-104.
Less is more
Having too many options can make us decline to make any decision due to the fear of not making the optimal choice
Sales of jam in a supermarket increased 10x when the choice of flavours was reduced from 24 to 6. Customers decided not to buy any jam when presented with 24 options as the decision was too difficult
yengar, S.S., & Kamenica, E. (2010). Choice proliferation, simplicity seeking, and asset allocation. Journal of
Public Economics, 94 (7-8), 530-539.
Iyengar, S.S., & Lepper, M. (2000). When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79 (6), 995-1006.
Making a pledge
Once people have made a commitment to do something, they are much more likely to achieve the end goal. This is sometimes referred to as the sunk cost bias
When asked to specify their exercise goals & sign a contract to acknowledge their commitment, people were 50% more successful in achieving their fitness goals than those who did not sign a contract
Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., Blumenkranz, E., & Garber, A. M. (2010). Committing to exercise: contract design for virtuous habit
formation (No. w16624). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Benefits over features
We care more about benefits than features, as benefits display their value and worth more clearly. We also don’t process the benefits unless they are salient and tangible to us. We need to see the direct benefits, rather than benefits which are quite remote.
Positioning iPhones as having a camera that allows you to capture perfect memories and room to keep them safe is more motivating than a 48-megapixel camera and 512GB storage.
Iyengar, S.S., & Kamenica, E. (2010). Choice proliferation, simplicity seeking, and asset allocation. Journal of Public Economics, 94 (7-8), 530-539.
Creatures of habit
People don’t like change & prefer things to remain the same. The more we behave a certain way, the more automatic this behaviour becomes
When the default option for organ donation was switched from opt-in to opt-out, consent rates significantly increased to almost 100%. Opting-in became the default behaviour
Johnson, E.J., & Goldstein, D.G. (2003). Do Defaults Save Lives? Science, 302 (5649), 1338-1339.
Beshears, J., Choi, J. J., Laibson, D., Madrian, B. C. (2009). The Importance of Default Options for Retirement
Saving Outcomes. Social Security Policy in a Changing Environment.
I'm better than you
We tend to overestimate our positive qualities and underestimate our negative qualities relative to others. This makes us more susceptible and attracted to statements that appeal to our ego.
In a survey among University lecturers, 68% of them rated themselves in the top 25% of teaching ability.
Cross, K. P. (1977). Not can, but will college teaching be improved?. New Directions for Higher Education, 1977(17), 1-15.
The power of emotion
We underestimate the influence of emotions & urges on our future decisions. How we think we will act and how we actually act can vary dramatically
Investors know that the best strategy is to buy stocks at low value and sell at high value. However when the market drops their emotions prevent them from acting rationally. They panic sell when they should wait until the stocks regain value
Van Boven, L., Loewenstein, G., & Dunning, D. (2005). The illusion of courage in social predictions:
Underestimating the impact of fear of embarrassment on other people. Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 96, 130–141.
The importance of context
Our choices are affected by context and the relation to available comparisons. In other words, how options are framed affects our choices
When presented with 2 cameras costing $170 and $240 respectively, no difference in purchase decisions was found. However, when another camera costing $470 was introduced, the majority of people chose the middle option at $240
Fryer Jr, R. G., Levitt, S. D., List, J., & Sadoff, S. (2012). Enhancing the efficacy of teacher incentives through loss
aversion: a field experiment (No. w18237). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Gunaratne, J. & Oded (2015). Influencing Retirement Saving Behavior with Expert Advice and Social Comparison
as Persuasive Techniques. in Persuasive Technology, Springer, 205-216.
One step closer
As we approach a goal, our efforts and commitment toward that goal increase. We are more likely to finish a task if it looks like we are closer to completion.
People are more likely to fill in a loyalty card if 2 stamps are already filled in on a card with 10 spaces, compared to a blank card with 8 spaces because they feel as though they are part of the way to completion.
Kivetz, R., Urminsky, O., & Zheng, Y. (2006). The goal-gradient hypothesis resurrected: Purchase acceleration, illusionary goal progress, and customer retention. Journal of Marketing Research, 43(1), 39-58.
The power of ownership
People feel the impact of losses twice as strongly as they enjoy acquiring equal gains.
Employees awarded with a bonus at the start of the year, with the threat of revoking the bonus based on performance, made more effort to maintain a good performance than employees who received a bonus at the end of the year
Mittone, L., & Savadori, L. (2009). The scarcity bias. Applied Psychology, 58(3), 453-468
It doesn't always add up
We use different mental bank accounts and rules of thumb when making decisions about whether to purchase a product
People often have a special “money jar” set aside for a holiday, while still carrying substantial credit card debt. The special fund is treated differently from the money used to pay off debt, even though it’s exactly the same
Prelec, D., & Loewenstein, G. (1998). The red and the black: Mental accounting of savings and
debt.Marketing science, 17(1), 4-28.
The future is bright
We are much more optimistic than we are realistic. We tend to overestimate our knowledge, underestimate the risks & exaggerate our ability to control events
When a group of people were asked how they would rate their driving skills relative to the wider population, 80% believed that they were better-than-average drivers, despite this being statistically impossible
Clark, Robert L., and Madeleine D’Ambrosio. Financial education and retirement savings. Available at SSRN 390642 (2003).
Nofsinger, J R. (2005). Social Mood and Financial Economics. Journal of Behavioral Finance 6, (3), 144-160.
McCormick, I.A., Walkey;, F.H., Green, D.E. (1986). Comparative Perceptions of Driver Ability: A Confirmation and
Expansion. Accident Analysis & Prevention 18 (3): 205–208.
Leave a lasting impression
People judge an experience based on how they felt at its peak and end, rather than the sum or average of the experience as a whole.
Participants preferred to keep their hand in colder water for a shorter time than wait a little longer and have the temperature increased.
Herrmann, A., Rossberg, N., Huber, F., Landwehr, J. R., & Henkel, S. (2011). The impact of mimicry on
sales–Evidence from field and lab experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(3), 502-514.
Tomorrow's problem
We are impatient & tend to be biased towards making decisions that provide instant gratification & often put off decisions that are associated with future outcomes
When presented with a choice of receiving £150 today or £160 in 4 weeks and then asked to choose between receiving £160 in a year or £150 in 48 weeks, people will invariably choose the £150 now but will be willing to wait for the full year to receive the £160
Ainslie, G. (2001) Breakdown of Will. New York, Cambridge University Press.
Loewenstein, G. & J. Elster, Eds. (1992). Choice over time. New York, Russell Sage Foundation.
O’Donoghue, T., & Rabin, M. (1999). Doing it now or later. American Economic Review, 89 (1), 103-124
Subconscious suggestions
We are always picking up on subconscious cues about our immediate environment, consequently affecting our behaviour and decisions
A wine shop conducted an experiment to see how store ambience would affect the sale of specific wines. On days where French music was played, French wines outsold German wines by a ratio of 5:1 and on the days they played German music, German wine outsold French wine by 3:1
Holland, R. W., Hendriks, M. & Aarts, H. (2005). Smells Like Clean Spirit: Nonconscious Effects of Scent on Cognition and Behavior, Psychological Science, 16 (9), 689– 693.
You scratch my back
When given small gifts or tokens, we feel motivated to reply with a benefit in kind. Even simple acts, such as saying "thank you" can enhance our level of commitment and desire to reciprocate.
When restaurant diners received a single after-dinner mint, tips increased by 3%. When the waiter offered one mint, paused and turned back and said "for you nice people, I'll give you another" tips skyrocketed to a 23%.
Herrmann, A., Rossberg, N., Huber, F., Landwehr, J. R., & Henkel, S. (2011). The impact of mimicry on
sales–Evidence from field and lab experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(3), 502-514.
Stand out from the crowd
People are more likely to look at and remember the details of salient objects relative to their neighbours
Neuroscientists tracked the eye-movements of consumers as they chose between snack items. They found that when consumers chose between a product they prefer & a visually enhanced but less preferred product, people tend to choose the latter
Mormann, M. M., Navalpakkam, V., Koch, C., & Rangel, A. (2012). Relative visual saliency differences induce sizable bias in consumer choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(1).
Jumping on the bandwagon
We are herd animals, therefore we measure our behaviour in relation to each other and decide what is acceptable & appropriate in social settings
When a pretzel cart passed through a train, 1 in 12 passengers bought pretzels. However, when people were cued by other passengers eating pretzels sales increased to 1 in 7 people.
Herrmann, A., Rossberg, N., Huber, F., Landwehr, J. R., & Henkel, S. (2011). The impact of mimicry on
sales–Evidence from field and lab experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(3), 502-514.
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