Use training to empower anyone to apply behavioural science

Chapter Nine

Reducing criminal reoffending, UK

In this chapter we show how it’s possible to train anybody to start applying behavioural science in their role. To do this, it's important to retain the gravitas from academic research in behavioural science, whilst communicating it in more colloquial and accessible language.

This translation of lofty academic principles into layman’s terms and anecdotal case studies is what gives people the aha! moment, upon which they begin to recognise these behavioural biases in their everyday lives. And this holds true for any business, even one whose customers are people who find themselves in the criminal justice system.

Reoffending is a big problem and is a symptom of the prison system failing to reform individuals. We saw how Cowry Consulting’s overhaul of the communication process resulted in an increase in prisoners attending their appointments as part of their probation order.

Principles from behavioural science helped to build better relationships between the probation officer and the person on probation.
So much so, that first contact rates rose by a massive 103.54%.
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Jez was able to do this by taking the academic theory and translating it into useable assets whilst teaching it to people in easy language they understood.
Ian Gibson, an experienced director at Ingeus saw the value that behavioural science could bring to the services they provided, for both their employees and their service users.

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The Cowry team successfully designed nudges using better communications and conversations, whilst also empowering Ingeus employees to do so themselves which meant that behavioural science became embedded within the organisation to transform the entire experience.
Ian Gibson has since said about the work: "Excellent insights .... I really see the potential for extension both to wider operational communications in RRP and also areas of work such as employability and health for Ingeus."
Taking the theory into practice and truly embracing behavioural design is the way forward - see link.
First, soak up the free resources –


TED has plenty of engaging and inspiring talks on behavioural economics concepts
Dan Ariely hosts a series of YouTube videos, such as this one about the psychology of money the IKEA effect . , and Mental Accounting
A series of great resources from Nick Kolenda, with downloadable PDFs such as Choice Psychology, Colour Psychology and Pricing Psychology
Copenhagen Business School offers An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing
The University of Western Sydney offers a free 3 hour introduction to Behavioural Finance
Then, scour open market courses
42 courses offer a paid course in Behavioural Economics delivered by Rory Sutherland, which is intended for marketers, entrepreneurs and management teams
For a course which specialises in marketing, Mindworx Academy offer an online course with 7.5 hours of video content
Coglode deliver face to face training days to give people the tools to start applying behavioural science in their workplace
If you're based in Denmark, you can attend iNudgeyou's paid 3-day Masterclass in Nudging course intended for professionals who already have an understanding of the behavioural science theory
Ultimately, hire a behavioural expert
To find behavioural science experts to hire, you may want to get in touch with Universities such as Warwick, Bath, LSE, UCL and City to get a list of their recent graduates.
Alternatively, to find relevant candidates on LinkedIn, you can check out groups dedicated to Behavioural Economics and Applied Behavioural Economics